CBOA, AP issued its circular No. 13 reproducing the circular issued by AICBOF. We are placing the same here for our readers.
CIRCULAR NO.: GS: 2011: 013 Date: 16.05.2011
Dear Friends,
We reproduce hereunder the Circular No. CIRCULAR/GS/2011/09 dated 12-05-2011 received from our Federation for your information.
With best regards
Yours sincerely
“A circular has been issued by the bank to all the Zonal and Regional Offices advising them to obtain from all the existing staff members:
i. Agreement to comply with the Information Security Policies and Procedures of the bank (ISPP) and
ii. Confidentiality agreement
As per the clauses of the agreement itself, it was incumbent on the management to first publish a handbook on the ISPP and circulate amongst the staff members. This has not been adhered to. Moreover there are a number of onerous clauses in the agreement, which are against the interest of the officers. We have sent a communication to the management which is reproduced hereunder:
We have come across a circular No.CO:HRD:IRP:2011-12:2 dated 6th April 2011 issued by HRD Department to all the Zonal and Regional Offices. Instructions have been given that ROs/ZOs should obtain some agreement to comply with the Information Security Policies and Procedures (ISPP) of the Bank & Confidentiality Agreement from all the Staff Members before 30th April 2011. In this regard, we would like to state as under:
- This is the first ever time any circular has been issued by the bank on the matter of any confidentiality agreement to be signed by all the staff members.
- The existing Bipartite Settlement and Conduct Regulations for Employees/Officers are already having clauses with regard to maintenance of secrecy and confidentiality. As such, we strongly feel that there is no necessity for any specific agreement/undertaking in this regard.
- The agreement to be given states “the undersigned has read the relevant handbook of Information Security Policies & Procedures and understand the policies and procedures described therein.” We would like to make it clear here that the bank has not published any handbook on the matter of Information Security Policies and Procedures nor is it supplied to all the staff members. If it is available on the automated information system of the bank, that cannot be expected as having been received and read in the relevant handbook as the amendment can be carried out by the bank from time to time. As such, publishing a hardcopy of the handbook of the ISPP and supplying it to all the staff members under acknowledgement is the prerequisite for any agreement.
- Only after the staff members are satisfied having understood the rules, procedures and policies concerning the Confidentiality Report, any agreement should be demanded from the staff members.
- The agreement further states that “the undersigned furthermore understands that violators of these policies and guidelines are subject to disciplinary measures including privilege revocation and/or employment/contract termination.” This is very vague and not specific. The bank should first make it more specific as to what are all the penalties that can be awarded for different types of violations. The staff members cannot commit themselves or agree to be terminated for any violation. This is giving cart blanche to the management so that the same can be used indiscriminately against the staff members.
- A mention has been made that the agreement should be collected before 30th April 2011. It is unfortunate that even without providing the handbook, the management is drafting an agreement falsely implicating the employee for having read the book without actually having to supply it.
- Above all, this demand for a new agreement is a change in “service condition”. We are of the firm view that the officers should be given an option to submit the agreement & whosoever opt not to submit need not be provided with a “pass word” to enter the CBS system.
You will observe from the above that it is improper to demand any such agreement from the staff members without even providing them any material as mentioned in the draft agreement. It is also not proper for the management to expect the staff members to agree for termination of their services which amounts to signing a suicidal note without even giving a proper clarification of the violation.
We firmly believe that any such agreement is unwarranted, since existing policies & regulations are more than sufficient. As such the management is requested to not to insist for any new agreement.
In the last two rounds of Joint Discussions, we had demanded for publishing Manual of Instructions by the bank in the CBS environment. However, the management is yet to come out with such a Manual of Instructions.”
We call upon all the officers to contact the organization as and when they are advised to submit the agreement by the bank.
The request transfer/rotation/posting orders of existing and recruited I.T. Officers had been issued in May 2010. However, these orders were not implemented and were postponed to December 2010. So far these orders have not been implemented. We have sent a communication to the management requesting for immediate implementation of those orders issued one year back.
“At the time of recruitment of I.T. officers in Scale II and III in May 2010, the bank had also issued posting/rotation/request transfer orders of Scale I, II and III officers. However, these orders were not implemented by advancing the reason that the bank was in the process of achieving 100% implementation in CBS and disturbance of I.T. officers at this stage would be an impediment in achieving the same. It was also informed to us by the management that these orders will be implemented in December 2010.
While the bank announced the achievement of 100% implementation of CBS in December 2010, the transfer orders of I.T. Officers were not implemented at all. We had also brought this matter to your notice on a few earlier occasions during our personal meetings.
In the recent personal meeting held with you, we had once again brought this matter to your notice and you had assured that the same will be implemented immediately after making certain changes that were necessitated because of the changed circumstances. We request you to advise the department to issue/implement the orders of I.T. officers immediately. Since the education session is to start from June 1st 2011, the implementation of these orders would facilitate the officers in proper arrangement of education of their wards.”
This matter will be followed up by the organization.”
Yours sincerely,
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