Central Bank of India hosted a NRI conference at Panaji, Goa . The conference was inaugurated by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Goa , Shri Digambar Kamat in the presence of Shri Eduardo Falerio, Commissioner NRI Affairs from Government of Goa,
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C.B.O.A., A.P.
AIBOC issued its circular No. 10 dated 04.02.2011 on 9th Triennial General Council meeting held at Bhubaneswar . We are reproducing the same here for our readers.
CIRCULAR NO.10 04.02.2011
A beautifully decorated Open Air Auditorium of Utkal Mandap, Bhubaneshwar; elegantly decked with flowers and the cool sea-breeze was a treat to watch for over 4,000 members who had assembled in a highly disciplined manner to participate in the historic Inaugural Session of the 9th Triennial General Council of AIBOC, in the evening hours on the 29th January 2011, to be a part of the grand gala show, which had brought a huge sea of humanity from all parts of the country, from all the affiliates of the Confederation. The evening heat got sub-merged with the slogan shouting of the comrades throughout the 4 kilometers long procession, attracting the attention of the citizens of Temple City of Bhubaneshwar, surrounded and followed by the representatives of the Press as well as the Electronic media, created totally a trade union atmosphere in the city of Bhubaneshwar . The open-air Utkal Mandap theatre was jam-packed and a large number of comrades were waiting in the sides of the theatre to watch the wonderful event, that was to unfold on the day of the Inaugural Session.
The Auditorium got electrified with the arrival of the son of the soil and a great personality of the Orissa State , Shri.Naveen Patnaik, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Orissa State , who is responsible for the transformation of the State of Orissa into one of the fast developing states in the country. The gathering stood up to give him a standing ovation, as he entered the stage to occupy his seat on the dais. The comrades were delighted to watch his simplicity and the towering personality, who had endeared to the masses of the State of Orissa , known for his modern outlook without sacrificing the basic roots of the masses. Com.Ganesh.C.Mishra, President of the AIBOC, State Unit of Orissa, extended a warm welcome to the guests on the dais. The dignitaries on the dais included Sarvashri. Naveen Patnaik, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Orissa State, Prafulla Chandra Ghadai, Minister for Finance, P.C.Bhanj Deo, former Maharaja of Mayurbhanj and Minister for Sports and Youth Affairs, K.R.Kamath, Chairman & MD Punjab National Bank. Hon’ble Chief Justice of Orissa High Court - Shri.V.Gopala Gowda joined subsequently due to his pressing pre-occupations.
The Inaugural Session commenced with lighting of the traditional lamp by Shri.Naveen Patnaik and other dignitaries on the dais along with Com.P.K.Sarkar, President and Com.G.D.Nadaf, General Secretary of the Confederation followed by a Prayer Song in honour of Utkal Matha.
Shri.Naveen Patnaik, the Chief Minister of Orissa and the Inaugurator of the General Council, appreciated the role played by the Bankers in taking the banking facilities to the interior parts of the country, particularly the backward states like Orissa, where millions and millions of people are below the poverty line. The Nationalization of Banks, helped in extension of credit facilities to the people of the country, to enable them to eke out their livelihood. He emphasized the need for improvement of credit deposit ratio in the State of Orissa , which at present is in the range of 60 to 63%. He referred to the impact of globalization and the economic development that the country is witnessing, and desired that the fruits of globalization should be passed on to the poorer sections of the society and the Bank Officers have a special role in ensuring the implementation of the various schemes sponsored for the purpose, declared Shri. Patnaik, amidst thunderous applause.
Shri. Prafulla Chandra Ghadai, the Finance Minister of the State of Orissa and the former trade union leader, known for his contributions to the labour movement, appreciated the role played by the All India Bank Officers’ Confederation, and their struggles and sacrifices in defending the Public Sector Banks. He paid rich tributes to the developmental role played by the Bank Officers and desired that the unequal distribution of economic prosperity should be sorted out, through continued effective role of the Bank Officers in the country. The developmental work done by the Bank Officers is commendable, but there is lot more ahead to be done, he stated.
Shri.P.C.Bhanj Deo, State Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs, Orissa State complimented the Bank Officers’ movement under the banner of the Confederation. He also appreciated the Silver Jubilee Celebrations and Social Welfare activities conducted by the Confederation in the recent past. He desired that, the Business Session should be devoted for discussion on the subjects, not only related to the union matters but also on reduction of the gap between the rich and the poor, through the effective participation of the bankers in all the schemes, sponsored by the Government.
Shri.K.R.Kamath, Chairman and the Managing Director of Punjab National Bank and also the Chairman of the Personnel Committee of IBA recalled his earlier connection with the Officers’ movement and the active role played by him in the formative days of our movement. He appreciated the positive role played by the leadership of the Confederation, in getting a good settlement on salary revision as well as the 2nd Option on Pension. He also emphasized the need for carrying forward the banking facilities to the common man, who are yet to have an account in the banking industry. The issues of the age gap between the new recruits and the existing employees, the need for retaining the newly recruited people in the industry through proper HR initiatives and developing in them an urge to cultivate loyalty to the institution etc., should receive our attention. He opened up the issues of outsourcing, introduction of performance-linked compensation etc., since the younger generation has different hopes and aspirations. He also advised the Confederation to take up the important welfare facilities such as opening of Schools and Colleges and providing assured admission in the Public Schools etc., in view of the mobility of the officers across the country.
Com.G.D.Nadaf, General Secretary of the Confederation in his introductory speech while briefing on the organisational stand on several issues that are slated for debate, responded to the issues raised by the guest speakers. He also insisted for a structured forum at IBA in order to take up all those issues, which are not discussed during the salary negotiations. He desired that, the IBA should also take up other issues, which are the fall out of salary revision and 2nd Option on Pension, on priority basis. He was highly critical of the recent initiatives of the IBA and the Government to bring certain ingredients of the CTC concepts through the Khandelwal Committee, and conveyed the strong opposition of the Confederation to the managements’ approach to the above issues. He acknowledged the positive role played by Shri.K.R.Kamath, the CMD, PNB in regard to resolution of the issues connected with the 2nd Option on Pension and Salary Revision during 9th bipartite.
Hon’ble Justice V.Gopala Gowda, Chief Justice of Orissa High Court joined the Conference after attending the Judicial Administrators’ Seminar, which was being hosted by him on behalf of the High Court at Cuttack. He appreciated the positive role played by the Bank Officers in providing the necessary assistance to the poorer sections of the society under various schemes formulated by the Government. He declared that, the Constitution of India is supreme and no body is above the Constitution. We have recently completed 62nd Republic Day Celebrations and the Indian Constitution is the hope and aspiration of over 1000 billion people of the country. Our constitution provides for social justice and equality, which could be ensured only through economic equality. The Bank Officers are responsible to carry forward the social objectives of the Constitution. You are covered under article 12 and the Banks are an extended arm of the State. The Constitution provides for protection of the fundamental rights – the right which is available under articles 14, 16, 19, 21 and 39(a)(b)(c) etc., and they are to be given expression through discharge of our duties in taking care of the poorer sections of the society living below poverty line. The core issue is eradication of poverty of the masses. The Banks have gone to the interior parts of the country and provided the credit facilities to the millions and millions of people, so that they can eke out their livelihood. The Banks cannot be allowed to be privatized and the Bank Officers deserve to be appreciated for their excellent role in ensuring that the objectives of Bank nationalization are achieved, he declared, amidst thunderous applause from the entire gathering present in the auditorium. His speech was so electrifying that the members gave him a standing ovation, when he concluded.
Com.P.K.Sarkar, President of the Confederation in his presidential address expressed the gratitude of the Confederation to all the speakers on the occasion and emphasized the need for carrying forward the banner of the Confederation to greater heights in the days to come. He also desired that the two day’s business session should devote considerable time for debating on all the points and advices that were brought in the inaugural session. He expressed his happiness over the manner in which the entire Conference was organized under the leadership of Com.Ganesh.C.Mishra, President and Com.A.K.Motayed, Secretary AIBOC, State Unit of Orissa, along with hundreds of local leaders from all the affiliates and a large number of volunteers who were responsible for the grand gala show of the 9th Triennial General Council commencing with the wonderful procession which attracted the entire city of Bhubaneshwar.
Com.A.K.Motyed, Secretary of State compered the programme in an exemplary manner and also proposed a vote of thanks.
The Inaugural Session concluded with a wonderful cultural programme by “Nupur”, a group of Odissi dancers, who regaled the audience with their soul-stirring performance.
As a prelude to the Triennial General Council a Press Conference was arranged on 28.01.2011 at 7:00 p.m at the Conference Hall of Hotel Swosti Premium.
Addressing the crowded Press Conference attended by Press Reporters of National and local newspapers, electronic media persons, Com.G.D.Nadaf, General Secretary, highlighting the importance of the Triennial Conference, narrated about the achievements, successes of the Confederation in achieving a fair salary revision and most importantly another option on Pension for officers. The important role played by the Confederation in defending the Public Sector character of the Banks which has saved the banking industry from the perils of global recession triggered by USA was part of the highlights. He dwelt at length on the future agenda of the Confederation for tackling issues such as recruitment of adequate manpower, regulated working hours for officers, 5 day week in the Banking Industry, updation of pension, adequate compensation for Officers etc. The Confederation in its Silver Jubilee Year has redeemed its pledge not only to the members but also to the society by undertaking many social service activities.
Com.P.K.Sarkar, President supplementing the General Secretary’s remarks, informed the reporters about the deliberations that were slated for 30th and 31st January, 2011. He also informed that more than 2000 delegates and observers from all parts of the country were expected to participate in the Triennial General Council.
Com.Ganesh.C.Mishra, President AIBOC, Orissa State Unit, welcomed and Com.A.K.Motayed, General Secretary, AIBOC Orissa State Unit, proposed vote of thanks.
BUSINESS SESSION - 30th January 2011
AGENDA – (i) To consider and adopt the General Secretary’s Report and Audited Statements of Accounts, for 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and un-audited Statements of Accounts for the remaining period.
The Business session commenced with opening remarks by Com.P.K.Sarkar, President of the Confederation. He called upon Com.G.D.Nadaf, General Secretary to present the report of the Confederation covering the entire triennial period for consideration of the house. Com.G.D.Nadaf, after getting approval for minutes of the 8th Triennial General Council held at Chandigarh on 8th, 9th, 10th March 2008; presented a voluminous report containing all the details of the National, International events, the Trade Union developments, developments as regards the Banking Industry, the Salary Revision, 2nd Option on Pension, organisational activities and the affiliates’ activities including the Sectoral Federations, the State Units, and all other major events that took place in the country, with particular reference to the economic activities, the trade union movement etc., briefly referring to the extracts of the report in order to provide sufficient time for the delegates to deliberate on the contents of the report. In his two and half-hour presentation, he could cover all the major aspects of the report, so that there shall be a meaningful debate. There was a standing ovation by the entire house to the excellent report presented by the General Secretary without any pause. A few minutes silence was observed on account of martyrs day and in honour of departed souls of eminent personalities during the period under the report. The house also paid standing ovation to the leadership of the Confederation for achieving 2nd option and ever highest increase in Salary Revision.
The President thereafter invited the members to deliberate on the report. The enthusiasm of the members was unique. There were more than 100 requisitions submitted by the members to participate in the debate on the report. The paucity of time was the major constraint but the President had to provide time to each and every delegate an opportunity to speak on the occasion. More than 40 delegates were given an opportunity to speak on the report and the remaining over 50 delegates were requested to forward their views, if any, through their affiliates or directly to the Confederation. The report was appreciated eloquently by all the speakers and they congratulated the General Secretary for the comprehensive and beautiful report.
The General Secretary, in his reply to the debate, clarified all the points raised by the participants to their satisfaction.
Thereafter, the President placed the report for the approval of the General Council, which was unanimously adopted under thunderous applause.
Com.G.Muthuswamy, the Treasurer of the Confederation presented the Audited Statements of Accounts for the years, 2008, 2009 and 2010 for approval of the General Council.
The proposal was seconded by Com. A.K.Motayed.
Thereafter it was adopted unanimously.
AGENDA (ii) To appoint Auditors for the next triennial period:
Com.G.Muthuswamy, proposed that M/s.C.N.Jayachandran, Chartered Accountants, be appointed as Auditors for the next triennial period 2011 to 2014.
The General Council of All India Bank Officers’ Confederation at its 9th Triennial Session held at Bhubaneshwar on 29th, 30th and 31st January, 2011 here by resolves that Shri.C.N.Jayachandran, Chartered Accountants, Catholic Centre, Armenian Street, Chennai - 600 001 be appointed as the Auditors for All India Bank Officers’ Confederation for the Triennial Period 2011 - 2014 on the terms and conditions as may be decided by the President and General Secretary of the Confederation from time to time.
Seconded by: Com.T.T.Natarajan, Vice President
The resolution was adopted with voice vote
Place: Bhubaneshwar
Date: 31st January, 2011
AGENDA iii) To consider Amendments to the Constitution as recommended by the Executive Committee and /or the amendments by the members for which due notices have been given;
Com.G.D.Nadaf, the General Secretary of the Confederation presented the proposal for the amendments to the Constitution of the Confederation, keeping in view the organisational requirements. The proposed amendments were adopted unanimously. The following are the amendments to the Constitution.
i) Provision for Block – Panchayat Units – new Clause – 3.2(a)(iv)
ii) Deletion of Permanent invitees- Clause 3.4(ii)
iii) Officer - Directors as Special Invitees to the Executive Committee Meetings (No voting rights) Clause – New Clause 3.4(ii)
iv) Enhancement of Admission fee from Rs. 500/- to Rs. 1001/- Clause 4.4
v) Subscription enhanced to Rs. 30/- per member, per annum with maximum of Rs.12/- lakhs w.e.f 1.01.2011.
vi) General Council – Delegates at the rate of one for every 200 primary members, with a inimum of 2 and maximum 200, with effect from 10th Triennial General Council – Clause 5.1(a)
vii) Provision for Presidents and Secretaries of Dist. Units as ex-officio members of the State nit/Union Territory – New Clause 5.2(iii)
viii) Provision for All India Nationalised Bank Officers’ Federation as Sectoral Federation of the Confederation and also provision for Referred Officers’ wing under the banner of the Confederation – New Clause 5.3(a) (ii) and (ix)
ix) Officer – Bearers - Clause 5.3(b)
(i) One President
(ii) Six Senior Vice Presidents
(iii) Ten Vice Presidents
(iv) One General Secretary
(v) Fifteen Jt. General Secretaries
(vi) Twenty Five Dy.General Secretaries
(vii) One Treasurer
(viii) Three Secretaries
x) Working Committee:
The Working Committee consists of above office bearers, as mentioned in Clause 5.3(b)
xi) Executive Committee:
The Executive Committee consists of following:
a) ffice Bearers under Clause – 5.3(b)
b) One Assistant General Secretary for each State Unit/Union Territory.
c) One representative each from Nationalised Banks, Nine from State Bank of India, Five from Associate Banks, Three from Private Sector Banks, Three from Regional Rural Banks, One from Co-operative Banks and Two from National Women’s Wing.
AGENDA iv) To consider Resolutions/propositions/motions recommended by the Executive Committee and / or brought forward by the members after giving due notice;
Com.P.V.Mathew, moved the resolutions.
The resolutions were adopted unanimously. The list is annexed separately. (Annexure-I):
AGENDA iv) To elect Office–bearers and Executive Committee Members for the term 2011- 2014;
Com.P.K.Sarkar, the President of the Confederation declared that the present Committee stands dissolved and the new team of Office-Bearers shall be elected by the General Council. He invited nominations for the appointment of the Chairman of the Election Committee.
Com.G.C.Mishra, President, AIBOC, Orissa State Unit, proposed that Com.A.K.Motayed, the Secretary of State Unit of Orissa State Unit be appointed as the Chairman of the Election Committee. The proposal was seconded by Com. D.N.Prakash. The proposal was adopted unanimously.
Com.A.K.Motayed, the Chairman of the Election Committee conducted the election for the following positions and declared them as unanimously elected for the next triennial period 2011 – 2014.
Com.P.K.Sarkar, was elected unanimously as President of the Confederation.
Com.G.D.Nadaf, was re-elected unanimously as the General Secretary of the Confederation.
The list of new team of Office-Bearers for the term 2011-2014 is annexed separately.
(Annexure – II)
The 9th Triennial General Council has created several land marks in the history of our movement. In the course of the Business Session, the Council also took an opportunity of honouring former Presidents and General Secretaries who led the movement in a glorious manner and were responsible for the successful, meaningful, fruitful completion of 25 years of our existence as a militant organization in the banking industry. The leaders who were honoured on the occasion are as follows:-
Com.Shantha Raju, Former General Secretary and President.
Com. K.D.Kheda, Former President.
Com. Anil Kumar Jana, Former President
Com. Amarpal, former General Secretary
Com.R.C.Aggarwal, Former President.
Com.V.Eswaran, Former President.
Com.K.S.Shetty, Former President.
Com.S.R.Sengupta, the former President and General Secretary and Com.R.N.Godbole, the former General Secretary were not able to attend the Conference due to other pre-occupations. The Council placed on record their valuable services to the Confederation.
Comrades, as an organisation, committed to the common cause, the Confederation donated Rs.1 lac to Kalinga Institute for Social Science, a trust for welfare of the tribals for its invaluable services to the humanity. The founder of the Trust Shri.Achuth Samanth, was honoured on the occasion for his valuable services to the society through the chain of Educational Institutions he has built and the free education he has been providing to the tribal children from all parts of the country numbering over 12,000, from Kindergarten to Post Graduation, free of cost.
The members also had an opportunity of participating in the pledge taking ceremony in regard to keeping the heart in good health, conducted by the Apollo Group of Hospitals under the leadership of Dr.Pankaj Mandkad, CEO of Apollo Hospital, Bhubaneshwar, as a part of their “Billion Hearts Beat” programme, as part of our social activity.
Comrades, thus the Business Session was concluded in a grand manner. The members who attended the 9th Triennial General Council shall remember the inaugural session, the business session and the grand procession for a long time to come. The occassion has enlivened the Trade Union spirit in the hearts of all the participants, who are always eager to hold AIBOC flag aloft.
The Confederation has emerged as a strong and vibrant organisation for the supervisory cadre in the country. The Confederation proved again as the most militant and committed organisation for the cause of the supervisory cadre. We will be failing in our duty if we do not acknowledge the excellent manner in which the entire activities were conducted under the leadership of Com.Ganesh.C.Mishra, President and Com.A.K.Motayed, Secretary of the Orissa State Unit along with hundreds of volunteers from the State of Orissa to make the 9th Triennial Council a memorable event in the history of our Confederation.
The three days deliberations and the organisational activities will be recorded in golden letters in the history of our movement. Our kudos to each and every member of the State of Orissa for their conviction and commitment in making this Conference a memorable, a wonderful event and this would remain ever green in our memory to be cherished for a long time to come.
Let us not rest on our laurels; we have a long way to go. We have several challenges ahead of us. The Unity and Solidarity displayed in the Council shall be a strong message to all those who were awaiting an opportunity, to fish in the troubled waters. The Confederation is a live organisation and would continue to maintain the same degree of strength and unity in the days to come.
With revolutionary greetings,
March on Comrades, March on to Scale Greater Heights in the Days to Come
Resolutions adopted at 9th Triennial General Council Meeting of AIBOC held at Bhubaneswar on 29 th TO 31st January 2011
1. Working Class Unity.
2. Inflation and Price Rise.
3. Absorption of Income Tax on Salaries And Perquisites By Banks.
4. Corruption in Public Life.
5. Demand for Enhancement in Ceilings on Housing Loan, Conveyance Loan Etc., and Reduction of Interest Rates on Staff Loans.
6. Removal of Cap of Rs.15 Crores on Staff Welfare Expenses in Psbs.
7. A Comprehensive Medical Expenses Reimbursement Scheme for Retired Officers.
8. Staff Shortage, Recruitment of Staff etc.
9. Regulated Working Hours for the Officers’ Community.
10. Second Option for Pension to Officers who Retired Under Voluntary Retirement Scheme of the Bank.
11. Demand for 5 Day Week for Banking Industry.
12. Settlement of Residual Issues in the Wake of Salary Revision for Bank Officers and Employees.
13. Updation of Pension for Bank Employees and Officers.
14. Scrap Raghuram Rajan Committee Recommendations on Financial Sector Reforms.
15. Proposed Licensing Policy for Establishment of Commercial Banks by Business Houses.
16. On Workers’ Participation in Management.
17. Review of Accountability.
18. Review of Conduct and Disciplinary Rules; Prolonged Suspensions; Disproportionate and Harsh Punishments; Appeals and Review Petitions; Sealed Cover Procedure Etc.
19. Restore Compassionate Appointment Scheme.
20. Administrative Tribunal Act: Extension of Jurisdiction to Officers of Public Sector Undertakings.
21. Establishment of Exclusive Banking Vigilance Commission.
22. Structured Forum for AIBOC at IBA and Banking Department, Ministry of Finance.
23. On the New Economic Policies, Formation of Special Economic Zones.
24. Industrial Relations Bill.
25. In Defence of Public Sector.
26. Attack on Trade Unions.
27. Merger of Rrbs with Sponsor Banks-need of the Hour.
28. Sharing of Profit.
29. Amendment to Trade Union Act – 1926: Compulsory Establishment of Trade Unions in All Sectors Including Mncs.
30. Foreign Banks Acquiring, Taking over Indian Private Banks Opposed.
31. Banking Industry and Market Oriented Economy.
32. Consolidation Process of Trade Union Movement Should Continue.
33. Revamping of Co-operative Banks.
34. To Oppose Outsourcing of Core Functions of Banks.
35. Restructuring of Indian Banks' Association.
36. Legal Assistance in Case of Unnecessary Litigation against Officers.
37. Nationalisation of All Private Sector Banks.
38. Attack on Officers while Discharging their Legitimate Duties.
39. Infusion of Capital by the Government in Public Sector Banks.
40. Primacy of RBI to be restored.
41. Scrap Khandelwal Committee Report.
42. High handedness of the Management in Deunionising Officers in Dhanalaxmi Bank.
Annexure -II
1. President Com. P.K.Sarkar (UNION )
Senior Vice-presidents
1) Com.P.V.Mathew (Federal)
(2) Com.T.N. Goel (Sbi) (3) Com.Amar Singh (ABOA) (4) Com. Ashis Sen (PNB) (5) Com. R.K.Avasthi (CAN) (6) Com. Harvinder Singh (BOI)
3. Vice - Presidents
(1) Com. T.T.Natarajan (Indian) (2) Com. K.Ananda Kumar (IOB) (3) Com. D.S.Bhadauria (CBI) (4) Com. K. Ramakoteshwara Rao (AB) (5) Com. G.C. Mishra (SBI) (6) Com. S.K. Haldar (SBI)
(7) Com. G. Muthuswamy (SBI)
(8) Com. p.v.sivasankara Pillai (SBT)
(9) Com. D.S.Punja (SyN)
(10) Com. J.C.Shandil (UCO)
4. Advisors (1) Shri K.D.Khera (PNB)
(2) Shri S.Roy Choudhury (Uco)
5. General Secretary Com. G.D.Nadaf (S.B.I)
6. Treasurer: Com. T.S. Nagraja (SBM)
7. Secretaries: (1) Com. Y.Sudarshan (S.B.I)
(2) Com. K.Nagaraja Shastry (S.B.I)
(3) Com. (S.B.I)
8. Jt.Gen. Secretaries (1) Com. K.K. Dogra (ALLA) (2) Com. D.N.Prakash (CORPN) (3) Com. D.Ghosh (UNB) (4) Com. Suprita Sarkar (United) (5) Com. J.D.Sharma (IOB)
(6) Com.Pradeep Kumar (PNB) (7) Com. Sameer Mukherjee (SBI)
(8) Com. A.Akhauri (SBI)
(9) Com. S.D.Bali (SBBJ)
(10) Com. Peddi Sudhakar (SBH)
(11) Com. G.V.Manimaran (CAN)
(12) Com. M.y.shintre (BOI)
(13) Com. (SBI)
(14) Com. (SBI)
(15) Com. (SYND)
9. Dy.General Secretaries: (1) Com. I.M. Almeida (Dena)
(2) Com. K.S.Sethi (P&S) (3) Com. K.Chandrasekaran (Indian)
(4) Com. Nirmal Bari (Alla) (5) Com. N.Rajagopal Reddy (AB)
(6) Com. Rajaretinam (Co-op Bank)
(7) Com. A.R.Saifullah (CBI)
(8) Com. Ranjan Shetty (VB)
(9) Com. L.K.Mishra (SBI)
(10) Com. Sameer Banerjee (SBI)
(11) Com. M.K.Virmani (SBI)
(12) Com. M.Sreenath SBI)
(13) Com. J.P.Debory (PNB)
(14) Com. C.Raj Kumar (SBT)
(15) Com. Gururaj Rao (SBM)
(16) Com. K.D.Verghese (SIB)
(17) Com. C.B.Prabhakar (CAN)
(18) Com. Sekar Kadam (BOI)
(19) Com. R.Subramanian (LVB)
(20) Com. Pushpa.G.Kumar (WW)
(21) Com. Harish Padiyar (UNION ) (22) Com. (SBI)
(23) Com. (SBI)
(24) Com. (IOB)
(25) Com. (RRB)
10. Executive Committee Members:
(1) Com. M.M.Magon (SBI)
(2) Com. D.Suresh Kumar (SBI)
(3) Com. R.H.Chandan Shive (SBI)
(4) Com. B.B.Singh (SBI)
(5) Com. S.K.Chattopadhyay (SBI)
(6) Com. Srikanth Deka (SBI)
(7) Com. J.C.Modi (SBI)
(8) Com. P.Janardana (SBI)
(9) Com. (SBI)
(10) Com. Chamanlal Singh (SBP)
(11) Com. O.V.B. Shivaram (SBH)
(12) Com. Vinaya Kumar Bhalla (SBBJ)
(13) Com. P. Baburaj (SBT)
(14) Com. A.Guruswamy (SBM)
(15) Com. Y.S.Kumar (CBI)
(16) Com. N.Vinod Kumar (UCO)
(17) Com. P.V.Mohanan (DB)
(18) Com. C.L.Pauly (CSB)
(19) Com. Sekar (KVB)
(20) Com. Aruna Agnihothri (WW)
21) Com. Veena Sharma (WW)
(22) Com. A.N.Krishnamurthy (CAN)
(23) Com. Koushik Ghosh (CORP)
(24) Com (BOI)
(25) Com (PNB)
(26) Com (SYND)
(27) Com (UNION )
(28) Com (INDIAN)
(29) Com (UNITED)
(30) Com (P&S)
(31) Com (ALLA)
(32) Com (DENA)
(33) Com (IOB)
(34) Com (VB)
(35) Com. (AB)
(36) Com. (BOB)
(37) Com. (CO-OP)
(38) Com. (RRB)
(39) Com. (RRB)
(40) Com. (RRB)
11. Asst. General Secretaries: Co-Ordinators (Representativers of State Units)
Andhra Pradesh (1) Shri ( )
Arunachal Pradesh (2) Shri B.Ghosh (SBI)
Haryana (8) Shri H.S.Kundu (SBI)
H.P (9) Shri D.k.sharma (SBI)
J&K (10) Shri ( )
Jharkhand (11) Shri D.sen Gupta (BOI)
Karnataka (12) Shri B.s.ravindra (SBI)
Kerala (13) Shri V.k.prasad (FED)
MP (14) Shri K.N.Sharma (SBI)
Chhattisgarh (15) Shri ( )
Manipur (18) Shri V.Vittie (SBI)
Meghalaya (19) Shri Utpal Baruah (SBI) Mizoram (20) Shri N.T.Ralte (SBI) Nagaland (21) Shri David Kire (SBI)
Orissa (22) Shri ( )
Rajasthan (24) Shri ( )
Tamil Nadu (26) Shri D.S.Rishbha Das (SBI)
Tripura (27) Shri Swapan Kumar Sen (SBI)
UP (28) Shri ( )
Uttaranchal (29) Shri Jyotish Ghildiyal (SBI)
W.B. (30) Shri Dipankar Mukherjee(UNITED)
N.E Co-ordinator (34) Shri ( )
12. Special Invitees:
(Officer - Directors)
(1) Com. R.C.Jesra (SBP)
(2) Com. R.K.Shah (SBBJ)
(3) Com. P.Narasimha (SBH)
Posted by
C.B.O.A., A.P.
Labels: AIBOC Circulars
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