AICBOF, the recognised majority organisation representing the Officers in Central Bank of India, has been demanding the management to revise the policy for providing furniture at the residence of the Officers. The issue was discussed in the recently held joint discussions at Central Office. We are very glad to place here that C.O. management has revised the policy for providing Furniture/Fixture at the residence of Officers in Scale-I to V.
We are placing here the salient features of the policy.
Ø The scheme will be applicable to all Officers up to SMGS-V, residing in Bank’s residence/ leased residence/ residence owned by the Officers and/ or residence taken by the officers on rent.
Ø All confirmed officers, including Officers in specialist category in JMGS I to SMGS V, who are governed by the Officers’ Service Regulations, 1979, as amended from time to time, will be eligible for availing of the facility. Accordingly, officers who have joined the Bank on contract basis will not be eligible for availing of the facility.
Ø Officers in TEG Scales- VI and VII are proposed to continue to be provided with fully furnished accommodation (within their respective entitlements) and shall thus continue to be governed by the existing provisions for the present. However, the norms for purchase of furniture on superannuation presently applicable to them shall be streamlined and shall be made applicable to all scales as per the new policy.
Ø The eligible amount of ceiling for supply of furniture is revised upwards for all scales.
Ø Officers will henceforth be allowed to purchase the essential items of furniture/fixtures of their choice within the limits prescribed for each grade/ scale from reputed dealer at the place of residential accommodation/ nearest big centre if the residence is at rural and semi urban centre. However, the items to be purchased shall be from the standard list of items permissible by the Bank. Further, items, on the basis of their utility, can be approved by an officer not below Scale V (for officers up to Scale IV) and Scale VI, in addition to the revised standard list of items.
Ø The Officers who have already been provided with the Bank’s furniture at their residence will not be permitted to surrender the same. However, their entitlement for purchase of furniture/fixtures under the new scheme will be decided by reducing the original cost (original purchase price) of furniture/fixtures which they are holding from the new monetary ceiling fixed for their respective grade. The officers in such cases can purchase new items of furniture as per their choice within their residual fresh entitlement. Further, in case some of the items of furniture/fixtures which they are holding are more than 10 years old, the original cost of such items shall be reduced from the aggregate original cost of furniture which they are holding while working out their fresh entitlement. There would also be cases where certain items of furniture are fixed to the wall such as Almirah, shelf etc in the flats owned by the bank. In such cases, all such items shall be deemed to be over and above the entitlement of the concerned officer. Such items shall continue to be in the possession of the bank.
Ø Once the officer purchases the essential items of furniture/fixtures as per his choice within the overall/ available limit of his entitlement, he will not be permitted to surrender the same to the Bank. He will carry the furniture/fixtures on his transfer to the new place of posting within the eligibility of transportation of household goods and no additional claim for transportation of Bank’s furniture/fixtures will be entertained.
Ø There shall be one entitlement ceiling for each scale, irrespective whether the officer is working as Branch Manager or otherwise.
Monetary ceilings for purchase of furniture/fixtures for various grades will be as under:-

SMG V | 3.50 |
SMG IV | 3.10 |
MMGS III | 2.25 |
MMGS II | 1.80 |
JMGS I | 1.50 |
Ø Though the Executives in Scale VI and VII are not covered under this scheme, the monetary ceiling for them is also revised as under:
Ø The Officer shall have to opt for the purchase of the furniture items as per the above eligibility within 30 days from the date of the relevant circular. Piecemeal purchases/ advance shall not be allowed.
Ø No repairs of the furniture/fixtures, minor or major, will be undertaken by the Bank. The Officers will be eligible for annual reimbursement of expenses equivalent to 5% of the total value of furniture/ fixtures allowed (rounded off to the nearest 1000 rupees) on account of repairs, insurance (including transit insurance, whenever furniture/fixtures are required to be transported for any reason) etc. However, no reimbursement of this amount will be made within one year from the purchase of new furniture and the officer will have to arrange for the repairs/insurance at his own cost during that period. Nevertheless, considering the fact that the officers presently are already having the furniture, which might be old and might require repairs/ polishing, furniture which is one or more years old, reimbursement at the above rate will be admissible, on the original cost price of such furniture. In case of any loss for whatever reason, the officer shall have no claim towards the Bank and he himself shall be responsible for claim from the Insurance Co.
Ø The eligibility for such amount shall be reckoned on 31st March of the relevant financial year of purchase. The officers will have to claim this amount every year from 1st May to 30th June and no carryover of such claim to the next year will be permitted. On promotion, any officer may become eligible for higher ceiling for purchase of furniture/fixtures. In such an eventuality, he may purchase the additional items of furniture within the ceiling prescribed for his new grade and claim that additional amount from the Bank. However, if an officer continues to remain in the same grade and the entitlement of that grade is enhanced for any reason whatsoever, he will not be entitled to claim the enhanced amount.
Ø Where both husband and wife are employees of our Bank, either of them can avail of the facility.
Ø After purchasing the furniture/fixtures from reputed dealer, the officers will have to use the same for 10 years. Thereafter the ownership of the furniture/fixtures will be transferred to the Officers. They would be eligible for availing of the facility again subject to the condition that their eligible amount for this purpose shall be reduced by the residual book value of the furniture/fixtures supplied last time. However, the facility will be available to an officer for maximum of three times in the entire service. If the officer is promoted to TEGS VI at any stage, this facility of reimbursement at the cost of essential furniture/fixtures will not be available to him thereafter and his entitlement for physical supply of furniture/fixture in his new scale of TEGS VI will be reduced by the book value of the furniture/fixtures provided to him when he was SMGS-V Officer.
Ø At the time of retirement/voluntary retirement /removal/dismissal of the Officer, if an officer has put in more than five years of service from the date of purchase of/ reimbursement for furniture/fixtures, no recovery shall be made from him and the ownership of Bank’s furniture/fixtures will be transferred to him. However, if an Officer is retired/voluntarily retired/removed/dismissed from the service within 5 years from the date of purchase/ reimbursement for furniture/fixtures, the book value of the furniture/fixtures will be recovered from his terminal dues.
Ø In the unfortunate event of death of the official while in service, the family of the deceased officer will be given the furniture/fixtures already purchased by that officer free of cost, irrespective of the period of purchase of the furniture.
Ø Single/Double wooden cots with Dunlop/Coir mattress & pillows
Ø Dressing table with settee
Ø Reading/writing tables with/without drawer on both the sides with chairs
Ø Table lamps
Ø Storewells (almirahs)
Ø Trolleys
Ø Sofa sets with centre table
Ø Dining table and chairs
Ø Chairs (cane/metal/wooden with/without arms and folding/no folding)
Ø Diwan
Ø Computer table with chairs
Ø Inverter
Ø Bookshelves (fixed to wall or otherwise)
Ø Sideboard in Kitchen (fixed to wall or otherwise)
Ø Air coolers
Ø Floor carpet (standard sizes)
Ø Microwave oven
Ø Washing machine
Ø Air Conditioners
Ø Refrigerator
Ø Ceiling fans
Ø Water Purifier
Ø Exhaust fans
Ø Electric Geyser
Ø Telephone stand
Ø Gas Stove/ Cooking range
Ø Electric Chimney
Ø Food Processor
Ø Vacuum Cleaner
Ø Or any other item as may be deemed fit and permitted by an Officer not below Scale V (for officers up to scale IV) and Scale VI
1 comment
It is a real Centenary Gift to the Officer Community in our Esteemed Bank. It surely help the officers to keep their status. Thanks a lot to the Management for making such policy and salutes to the majority officers association of the Bank AICBOF for its relentless efforts in achieving the long waited wish of its committed members. LONG LIVE AICBOF…LONG LIVE CBOA
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