CBOA-AP issued its circular No. 014 dated
14.06.2014 reproducing the circular issued by AICBOF on violations of Govt.
Guidelines by the bank. We are placing the same here for our readers.

Dear Friends,
We reproduce hereunder the Circular No.
CIRCULAR/GS/2014/14 dated 14.06.2014 received from our Federation for your
With best regards
Yours sincerely
The most important priority before us is the
alarming rise in NPA, huge loss incurred in FY 2013-14 and staggering provision
which ultimately resulted in erosion of the capital of the Bank and more
concerning factor is the image of the institution is at a stake. The confidence
of share holders and customers need to be retained intact. The critical task is
to rebuild the business and customer confidence. Management should be keen to
campaign for fast track reforms to lift the overhand of rising bad loans that
make it a challenge to restart the investment cycle.
Under the present circumstances and
considering the critical scenario, it will be almost brilliant to put up at the
head of the list the fact that the field functionaries should be encouraged to
take decisions in a cordial atmosphere. In a bank of our size, management
should not exercise the transformation of any situation without taking in to
confidence of the majority officers' association .Instead of concentrating on
the above alarming situation, Management continues to indulge in adopting
repressive and despotic practices.
stand of the Management are as under:
In spite of clear vacancies in respective
Zones, promotees from grade scale I to II, II to III and III to IV have been posted to far off zones.
Government directives of protection to
Physically Handicapped officers have not been followed.
The Lady Promotee Officers, in spite of the
clear vacancies in their zones, have been posted to far off zones.
The Promotees having more than 57 years age
have not been retained in their respective zones.
The officers who have sought request transfer
to any particular zone and have not completed 3 years stay are posted out of
The management has not considered transfers
on medical, marriage grounds.
Special incentive to the officers of NE
states have been thrown to the dust bin
These are the few examples creating sense of
anger amongst the Officer Community. We have tried out with various levels of
Management to convince that growth and development of the Bank's Business is
directly related to the level of moral and motivation of the officer of the
Bank. We have recently taken up these
issues with the management and the copy of communication submitted is
reproduced below for the information of all officers.
We lodge our strong protest of bye-passing
the bipartite relationships and for adopting most disturbing trend of
promotional placements without proper manpower exercise. To our great distress,
as per the Government directives of protection to physically handicapped
officers & the promotees having age more than 57 years are required to
be retained in their respective Zones, but it has not
been implemented. Further, the officers who have sought request transfers to
any particular Zone and have not completed the three years stay in the Zone
need to be retained in the same Zone are also posted out of Zone. The lady
officers are also sent outside the Zone.
It is a matter of surprise for us that some request transfers have been
effected even without completing the eligible period for the request. We are
also not able to understand as to why the Management has not considered
transfers on medical & marriage grounds and also services in North Eastern
Region are ignored.
Out of total vacancies in any zone, these
vacancies should be first filled in by request transfers and residual vacancies
should be filled in by retaining the promotee officers to the extent of
vacancies available in the Zone. More ever, the vacancies due to upgradation of
branches, death, resignation etc are also required to be taken in to account
for retaining promotees in the Zone.
We observe that the promotion process from
grade scale I to II, II to III and III to IV are not feeling like reward but
proving to be a punishment due to illogical approach of Management. Management
has crossed all limits in transgressing own set norms. This would result in to refusal of promotions
leading these vacancies remain unfilled and simultaneously gross frustration
and demoralization in the minds of
officers due to non gaining promotions
despite they are deserving candidates.
The officers round the country have been
expressing their resentment since last fortnight for such a vindictive approach
of management of not adhering the set policies and norms. Lack of proper HR
management has resulted in to total chaos and confusion amongst the officer
community. Rather, management should adopt proclaimed approach while placement
of promotees at a minimum distance considering the present weak financials of
our bank.
Under the above circumstances, the
performance of the Bank will adversely affect in this critical phase of our
bank. The concern of the Management is expected towards growth of business,
reduction in NPA rather than unilateral changes in the promotional postings.
This is a clear example of mockery that Bank has preferred to violate the own
policies and creating sense of anger amongst the officer community. We can not
be a silent spectator in such a alarming situation.
We have tried out with various levels of
Management and convince that growth and development of the Bank's business is
directly related to the level of moral and motivation of the officers of the
We demand to rectify all the violations in
the posting of promotees of Scale II and scale III officers immediately and
also to give stipulated period for joining as per Board's approved policy.
Friends, you will have to be fully prepared
to face the challenge. Let us awake and arise to protect our legitimate rights,
hard earned settlements and self respect.
Yours Sincerely,
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